Data scientist and visualization designer crafting tools at the intersection of machine learning, UX, software engineering, and science.
Logo for the Center for Data Science and Environment
UC Berkeley Center for Data Science and Environment
Screenshot of the global AI plastics tool
AI Plastics Tool
Interactive simulation of global plastics policies.
Python Tools for AFSC GAP
Open source Python-based tools for analyzing the NOAA AFSC GAP dataset.
IDEO logo
Data science and data visualization within human-centered design.
Apple logo
Machine learning, data visualization, and data engineering at Apple
Map of SF from a food access simulation
SF Food Sim
Simulation of food access in San Francisco exploring data viz + data sci + game design.
Logos representing three different philosophical approaches to data viz.
Thinking through Viz Tools
How visualization tools embody different data viz philosophies and how those influence our work.
EVERY logo with text all protein no animal.
Data science to help yeast make animal protein.
Data driven empathy logo
Data Driven Empathy
User centered data science and data visualization consulting.
Plenty logo
Data science, design, and software engineering for sustainable indoor agriculture
Google logo
Data visualization at Google
Pictures of different visualizations of systems
Data Science for System Design
Talk given to university systems design courses.
Screenshot of a visualization showing different groups incomes as small dots.
US Income Gaps
Visualization of US income gaps.
Visualization showing a multi-dimensional breakdown of model performance.
When Accuracy Isn't Enough
Visualization and game design for data science and machine learning.
Screenshot from tool for simulating options outcomes.
Startup Options Bot
Domains specific language and GUI for simulating options outcomes.
Flower written in Plant language
Plant Lang
Plant is a toy language for "branching" drawing.
Screenshot from the satisfaction in tech visualization
Satisfaction in Tech
What are the happiest jobs in tech? A data science-based investigation.
Screenshot from the unemployment visualization
COVID Unemployment
Inequality and the Occupations with the Deepest Unemployment
Screenshot of the slime mold simulation.
MCMC Slime Mold
HTML5 canvas / JavaScript model of slime mold and how it creates awesome optimized networks.
Snapshot of one of the visualizations in the everyday health article.
Everyday Health NLP
Natural language processing on social media to understand everday health during COVID.
Screenshot from graphs for the work visa analysis.
Work Visa Analysis
Why cutting work visas will not solve COVID unemployment
Slide that says visualizing for systems: systems action through system, game, and information design
Visualizing for Systems
Talk given to a university systems design course.
A screenshot of part of a visualization of the CU Boulder course catalog.
CU Course Timeline
Timeline of CU Boulder course catalog / schedule.
Graph of overlap between different news sources.
Who Wrote This
What does a neural network have to say about the news? Academic research and demo.
Screenshot from the US bachelors degrees visualization.
US Bachelors Degrees by Gender and Ethnicity
Visualization of US bachelor's degrees by gender and ethnic diversity. Browser-based written in d3.js.
Map from the Airbnb dataset.
SF Airbnb Analysis
How does Airbnb impact housing in San Francisco? Analysis and data.
Screenshot from the podcast anthropology visualization
Podcast Anthropology
Visualization of podcast history and topics. Browser-based written in p5js.
Screenshot from the TED visualization
TED Visualization
Visualization of how ideas are interconnected as demonstrated by the TED conference. Browser-based written in d3.js.
Snapshot of the first slide from the user centered design machine learning talk
User Centered Machine Learning
Modeling and visualization techniques for addressing bias in machine learning, taking steps towards more inclusive data science.
Screenshot of the ants visualization
Ant-inspired Resource Gathering Simulation
HTML5 canvas / JavaScript model of ant behavior as a self-optimizing resource gathering network.
Screenshot from the economic health visualization
Economic Health and Political Balance
Visualization of US economic health and balance of power from 1959 to 2011. Static image.
Screenshot from CDIbase
CDIBase (open source) allows the CU Language Project and similar labs to access, manipulate, and collect research data securely online.
Screenshot from the analyze boulder census visualization
Analyze Boulder Census
Interactive visualization of the Analyze Boulder Census. In-browser / web-based application.
A piece of graphic design featuring a globe for Kit Bernardi
Kit Bernardi Infographics
Graphic design / infographics for an award-winning travel writer.
Screenshot of the EHP apply online application
EHP Apply online
A flexible web application for academic admissions.
Snapshot from the Colorado transit visualization
Colorado Income and Population through Public Transit
Where Colorado public transit goes, who uses it, access to mobility, distribution of population, and income levels throughout the state. d3.js web-based visualization.
Snapshot from the marriages visualization
Data of the United Kingdom - Marriages and Civil Partnerships
Visualization and analysis of UK Marriage and Civil Partnership statistics. Browser-based (d3.js) with commentary. (prerelease)
Screenshot of the original old TED visualization
TED Visualization (old)
Published visualization of the history of the TED conference. Desktop App.
Screenshot of the HarrierCoach application
Custom tailored application generates color-coded running workouts from time trial information.
Picture of a researcher behind some toys.
CU Language Project / Undergraduate Thesis
Cross-disciplinary undergraduate thesis on Techniques for Interactive Visual Exploration of Dynamic Linguistic Networks.
Picture of a beaker as a placeholder.
Grader bias neutralization algorithm.
Screenshot of kipling 3 running
Kipling 3
Modular cross platform desktop application to manage LabJack devices.
Snapshot of the LabJack use cases diagram.
LabJack Use Cases Diagram
A succinct summary of all of the way to connect to and make LabJack devices available.
Snapshot of an element in the Analyze Boulder flyer.
Analyze Boulder Flyer
Flyer made for Analyze Boulder, a Boulder, CO meetup for all things data and data science.
Picture of a graph looking at entity similarity in TRACER.
TRACER Analysis
Identity clustering (SVM) analysis of Colorado political campaign data.
Screenshot from the game of life simluation.
Hexagonal Population Game
HTML5 canvas / JavaScript hexagonal population variant on Conway's Game of Life.
A picture of a LabJack device
Cross-platform MODBUS-based driver for LabJack devices.
Picture of the trip visualization.
What Did You Do?
For fun visualization of my trip to London and Paris.
Screenshot from the FCQ visualization.
FCQ Visualization
Visualization of the Faculty Course Questionnaire dataset from the University of Colorado at Boulder.
Screenshot of the contracting hours visualization
Contracting Hours Visualization
Visualizing almost a year of contracting.
Part of a screenshot of the opencampigndata website.
Unofficial API for Colorado campaign finance data.
Snapshot of part of the FCQ history visualization
UCB CS FCQ History
Visualization of the history of FCQ results from the CS dept. at CU Boulder.
Artistic rendering of a train station done in Blender.
Before Tintern
Artistic rendering of a train station done in Blender.
Artistic rendering the Denver Art Museum done in Blender.
Denver Art Museum
Artistic rendering the Denver Art Museum done in Blender.
Artistic rendering of a small wooden boat done in Blender.
The Spiegelman
Artistic rendering of a small wooden boat done in Blender.
Artistic rendering of a small plant done in Blender.
Silver Leaves
Artistic rendering of a small plant done in Blender.
Picture of a fish in an animatronic aquarium for a college course.
Animatronic aquarium for Professor Eisenberg's Things that Think course.
Stuffed mechanical lizard
Leopold the Lizard
Dancing mechanical lizard for Professor Eisenberg's Things that Think course.
Artistic rendering of a glass beaker done in Blender.
Artistic rendering of a glass beaker done in Blender.
Screenshot of the snowfall game
HTML5 game / demo that demonstrates jQuery combined with canvas and audio elements.
Screenshot of the degree planner
UCB CS Degree Planner
Web-based degree planner for computer science students at the University of Colorado at Boulder
Screenshot from the classes worth taking site
Classes Worth Taking
Simple voting-based web application that allows students to share classes they found worthwhile with their peers.
Screenshot from the gleap alpha site which helped in volunteer coordination
Gleap Alpha
Gleap provides SMS / web-based organizational tools for community service groups.
Screenshot of part of the EI-1050 utility running.
EI-1050 Testing Utility
EI-1050 testing and setup utility for LabJack devices.
Screenshot of part of the LJTickDAC utility running.
LJTick-DAC testing and setup utility for LabJack devices.
Picture of a LabJack device
Provided programming assistance in building a Python library to control LabJack devices.
Screenshot of the panic factor application running
Panic Factor
Utility I developed for my high school classmates that calculates what score is needed on a certain assignment / exam to get a particular overall grade in a class.
Picture of the test kitchen logo
Digital Media Test Kitchen
Worked with Steve Outing and Olga Kharitonova from CU Boulder's cross disciplinary Digital Media Test Kitchen on algorithmic Internet news credibility.
Picture of inverse kinematics software running for a robot
Andrews Robotics Initiative
Supported Professor Correll's graduate students by writing ROS packages for his lab's equipment.
Picture of a quadcoptor drone
Created a Python library to abstract low-level socket-based commands for the project's quadrotor helicopter and developed an online resource base for the team.