"As we collect more and more personally and socially relevant data, we have an opportunity, and maybe even an obligation, to maintain [our] humanity and tell some amazing stories." — Aaron Koblin. Some of my work excluded from below for privacy / contractual reasons.

AI Plastics Tool
Science-published interactive simulation of global plastics policies.

Open source Python-based tools for analyzing the NOAA AFSC GAP dataset.

SF Food Sim
Simulation of food access in San Francisco exploring data viz + data sci + game design.

Startup Options Bot
Domains specific language and GUI for simulating options outcomes.

Satisfaction in Tech
What are the happiest jobs in tech? A data science-based investigation.

COVID Unemployment
Inequality and the Occupations with the Deepest Unemployment

MCMC Slime Mold
HTML5 canvas / JavaScript model of slime mold and how it creates awesome optimized networks.

Everyday Health NLP
Natural language processing on social media to understand everday health during COVID.

Work Visa Analysis
Why cutting work visas will not solve COVID unemployment

US Bachelors Degrees by Gender and Ethnicity
Visualization of US bachelor's degrees by gender and ethnic diversity. Browser-based written in d3.js.

SF Airbnb Analysis
How does Airbnb impact housing in San Francisco? Analysis and data.

Podcast Anthropology
Visualization of podcast history and topics. Browser-based written in p5js.

TED Visualization
Visualization of how ideas are interconnected as demonstrated by the TED conference. Browser-based written in d3.js.

User Centered Machine Learning
Modeling and visualization techniques for addressing bias in machine learning, taking steps towards more inclusive data science.

Ant-inspired Resource Gathering Simulation
HTML5 canvas / JavaScript model of ant behavior as a self-optimizing resource gathering network.

Economic Health and Political Balance
Visualization of US economic health and balance of power from 1959 to 2011. Static image.

Analyze Boulder Census
Interactive visualization of the Analyze Boulder Census. In-browser / web-based application.

Colorado Income and Population through Public Transit
Where Colorado public transit goes, who uses it, access to mobility, distribution of population, and income levels throughout the state. d3.js web-based visualization.

Data of the United Kingdom - Marriages and Civil Partnerships
Visualization and analysis of UK Marriage and Civil Partnership statistics. Browser-based (d3.js) with commentary. (prerelease)

TED Visualization (old)
Published visualization of the history of the TED conference. Desktop App.

CU Language Project / Undergraduate Thesis
Cross-disciplinary undergraduate thesis on Techniques for Interactive Visual Exploration of Dynamic Linguistic Networks.

TRACER Analysis
Identity clustering (SVM) analysis of Colorado political campaign data.

Hexagonal Population Game
HTML5 canvas / JavaScript hexagonal population variant on Conway's Game of Life.

FCQ Visualization
Visualization of the Faculty Course Questionnaire dataset from the University of Colorado at Boulder.

Contracting Hours Visualization
Visualizing almost a year of contracting.

UCB CS FCQ History
Visualization of the history of FCQ results from the CS dept. at CU Boulder.