"Unyielding polarization frequently defines the US LGBTQA rights debate (Pew Research Center). Yet, to little fanfare in the states, the United Kingdom's first same-sex marriage took place on the 29th of March 2014 (Saul), marking a long-awaited alternative to the civil partnerships first extended to the UK's homosexual citizenry in 2005. This nation-wide social rights policy evolution naturally asks what data the UK generated leading up to this historic development and what that rare nation-wide trove of statistics can add to this still active debate's new chapter. Luckily, armed with excellent work from the United Kingdom's Office for National Statistics, this visualization-based retrospective examines the pairing and divorcing habits in the LGBQ and non-LGBQ UK populations, possibly hinting at what to expect in the age of same sex marriage."
See rest of article and visualization for sources and data.
Ultimatley destined for another blog so this is a pre-release.